Oct 06


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Sep 04

jbpm tip

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JBoss.com – Forums – storing strings longer than 4000 in Context Variables?:

I modified the StringInstance.hbm.xml to hold text instead of the a String (4000). Also had to alter the mssql.create.sql script so that the JBPM_VARIABLEINSTANCE.STRINGVALUE_ is text. this worked for my initial tests when I was hold large Stringified XML. I was wondering about any implications because of this change say when I want to view the variable instance in a webapp?. thanx -ram

Apr 20

A lire…

JBoss.com – Forums – webapp development:

I’m currently getting more into building out stuff I’m working on with jbpm integrated, and also am hacking little things into the webapp that comes with the starter’s kit. I’d like to get more info on the current state of that development and see what’s going on. Unless I’m not reading my cvs output correctly (I’ve been using svn for the past couple years, so I may have some cross-mogenation with cvs), there haven’t been any updates to the source tree at sourceforge for at least the past week under jbpm.3. Has the code been moved to wherever the rest of the jboss code sits at? Is there a new current branch for 3.1? I’d like to grab and use the latest for the webapp. I also might like to get involved with contributing. Specifically I’ve been working on something like JBPM-185, before I knew there was a JBPM-185, but just sort of my own hacked version of it. On a personal level, I’ve been building workflow based apps out of Bea’s product for the past 3 years, which includes a large homegrown web front end. We’ve had a version of JBPM-185 in there since the start, so I think I might be able to contribute on that front. At the very least I’d like to be able to track and build current development. I picked up a jsf book specifically to try to understand what’s going on in the webapp. I think I’m started to get it, although at first glance, jsf is A LOT different than my normal webapp thinking. I added a table with recently started process instances to the monitor front page, and the linking took a while to understand. I kind of get it now, but I still like the clarity of just “page.jsp?id=123″ rather than the jsf version of things. Form pages are cool though. Ramble over.

Apr 19

JBoss.com – Forums – Problems deploying process:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project name="Hello jBPM" default="Main Build">

    <target name="Main Build">
        <taskdef name="deploypar" classname="org.jbpm.ant.DeployProcessTask">
                <pathelement path="src/config.files/" />
                <pathelement path="build/jbpm-3.1.jar" />
                <fileset dir="lib/jboss" includes="*.jar"/>
                <fileset dir="lib/hibernate" includes="*.jar"/>
                <pathelement path="build/classes.identity/" />
                <fileset dir="lib/dom4j" />
                <pathelement path="../jbpm-db/mssql/lib/jtds-1.2.jar" />
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